It doesn’t matter how slow you are going, you are still running laps around the oke sitting on the couch. We’ve all heard that ol’ adage, there are a hundred million self-help books and, in our ever wonderful and evolving digital age, countless inspirational videos made and stories told. All of us have encountered these incredible sages or even sought their wisdom in one form or another, and there is a wealth of information out there to be digested and mined for every ounce of its worth. That’s a step, bro!

We all have heroes or idles and live in a time where they are easily accessible, perhaps not approachable, but accessible in the very least. Dwayne “The Bro” Johnson updates his Instagram almost daily and tells us that we need to be the hardest workers in the room. Phil “The Gift” Heath tells us that we can’t just be hungry for success, when you pursue greatness you have to be starving! Where are you while these cats psyche themselves and the rest of the world up? Sleeping? Trading hooker jokes with the bar tender while that business plan you’ve been threatening to finalize gathers dust in a drawer? Re- fuckin’ reading Tolkien for the umpteenth time instead of doing a college or online course for your next big career move?

Da fuck, bro?

It’s easy to become complacent, to remain in the safe zone, to keep your training wheels on…and to be loathsomely stagnant. How worrisome is that word? Can you picture it? You can decide not to be, bro! But you need to decide and act upon it. Decide what your short term ambitions might be, make a list of goals or start with one, but start. Once you choose where you want to go it makes it pretty easy to identify what you need in order to get there, and if it doesn’t there are allot of resources at your disposal to get you on your way. Update that resume, make that phone call, register for the training course, buy the book, get on it!

You know what they say; a thousand mile journey starts with a single step. You need to decide on that goal, bro! Make notes. Discuss it with a friend. Hell, comment your ambitions at the bottom of this post. It’s hella hard to ignore personal goals once they are written down, as it should be! That shit needs to haunt your dreams and bother your mind while you go about your mundane activities and time spent doing anything else but chasing your future success. To get there you need to start, find the path to your goal. If that shit doesn’t work then you clearly need to find a new path. If you’ve found a thousand doors that are closed then you’ve obviously made a wrong turn and need to rethink your approach, but there is a way, bro! There is always a way!

So what are you going to do in the next 24 hours to pursue a better future? Have you considered and identified what your short term goals or ambitions are, and by which means are you going to make this shit happen? Do you have it in you to get to where you can imagine yourself to be, or are you going to throw this half-finished project back into your bottom drawer by Tuesday? Don’t halve-ass this business, bro! You’ve got it in you, I believe in you, make it fucking happen so that we can sit together a year from now, having a beer and talking about how far we’ve come!


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It seems that in this day and age the chances of finding inclusivity as a social stimulant is never too far out of reach; there are always like-minded people who are feeling the same way that we do on any given day. It doesn’t matter if we are thinking particularly negative thoughts on the current political climate, considering dark thoughts and dealing with depression, or being generally negative about the state of the world or society as a whole, there is always a group of people that feel the same way that you do and they aren’t at all hard to locate in the vast and diverse universe that is the internet. I ain’t here for that, bro.

There are a multitude of issues that every single person in this incredible world need to face today, or this weekend, or this month. But they aren’t bitching about it like some little girl, they get on with life and slam that tequila back like a fucking grownup! When did we become this mushy, pussy, cry-baby bags of dicks who can’t seem to cowboy the fuck up and get back on the bike after we’ve fallen down? Everybody has a history. Bro, hear me; EVERYBODY! But we somehow believe that we can use these things as an excuse to why we haven’t stuck to commitments, schedules, ethics, or whatever else. When are you going to sack up and eventually do something?

Now you might say; oh but I had a rough upbringing and I’ve been hurt before, that’s why I’m emotionally closed off and my relationships don’t succeed and I got fired from my previous job. SUCK! A! DICK! I am truly sorry for the difficult times that you went through, I sympathize with the hardships that you had to endure, and I love you, bro, sincerely. But why is it so easy for us to get angry at other people’s actions? We get worked up in traffic and wish people could drive better, we get annoyed at the shops because people don’t have the same kind of urgency that we do, why is it so easy to criticize other people for their shortcomings but we can let our wasted days slide, because “we will get to what needs to be done tomorrow.”

What is more self-assuring than self-reliance? Everything is on you, bro! And you’ve got this, you need to have this, there are no other options. Put your big boy pants on, wishing that god is going to magically grant you the winning lottery numbers will make absolutely no progress towards your goals. Blaming the past for that immature bigoted rant that you went on sure as hell won’t help you emotionally mature as a person.  Withering away on the couch instead of applying for that course to further your career is doing nothing to help you, and blaming your anxiety, or fuck knows what else, instead of sacking up and confronting the issue is for damn sure not going to do anything to help you.

We need to get back to personal responsibility, bro. Not expecting things to happily come your merry way just because you spend a couple of minutes a day praying for it, or thinking that you can behave like an asshole and just get away with it because you have been forgiven. It starts with you, everybody else is working on themselves and they don’t need to be picking up your slack. Take those steps, bro, and own them! Be responsible for what you do and say, and be proud of what you have accomplished, nobody ever expected you to get this far. Now tie your own shoelaces and take the next step, there will always be somebody there to help you up if you fall, but you’re going to have to learn to walk on your own.




Inspiration Before The Weekend- Start With Just The Tip

Getting there, slowly, unwavering, focused, however long it takes. Making daily strides towards a goal, or multiple goals, should become a habit, like morning coffee or checking your emails. As the age old cliché goes; a hundred mile journey starts with a single step. I suppose it would happen to everybody at different intervals throughout a week/year/lifetime, where the action to pursue an ambition would seem almost hopeless, like you do not have any idea what you are doing, like the task before you seems impossible and there is just no breakthrough, but essentially that is where you build your character, where you define you perseverance, and become that man or woman that you were destined to be!

Do you have any idea for how many billions of years this planet of ours has existed, BRO? Would you like to know how few people or actions have had any significant impact towards influencing even a small group of people, let alone have any direct influence in the many number of people who have been here before you, and experienced just as vivid, but less opportunistic, life as you are currently living? That number would only be a handful, statistically minuscule in the grand scheme of things. You have everything going for you, BRO! And that email that you need to send to get some information, that phone call that you need to make to be the first step towards achieving your ambitions will definitely not have any impact on the course of history, it’s not even a drop in the ocean, it would not influence humanity in any way, shape or form. And if the only possible reason why you haven’t yet made that first step is dented pride, then you are going to need to sack up, “it’s the fastest who get paid, and the fastest who get laid!”

Life ain’t particularly easy in this day and age, BRO, but it’s a hell of allot easier than it used to be. There is tons of information at your fingertips, unbelievably accessible mentors, and thousands of books that can supply the knowledge that you need. That excuse of “I don’t know where to start” no longer holds any water. Figure it out, like the big boy or girl that you are. Sometimes it might feel hopeless or overwhelming, but nothing is going to get done unless you initialize the momentum towards finishing a task. And god knows your mom won’t be there to hold your hand when you cross this threshold, these are the steps that you need to take on your own, and do you know what? I believe in you, and so do your family, and so do your friends! So fuck right off with your training wheel bullshit, make your actions speak for you, and force the world to be your bitch!

Hardships come, and tough times may last longer than you might think you can endure, but nothing is ever eternal, BRO. When you see it through, and figure out that you ain’t made of glass, that you are made of gainz, ambition, and solid sex appeal, and muster up the courage to crawl through the sludge and grab a fist full of that success, then you are well on your way! Look at you go, look at where you are. Has that shitty tattoo that you got straight out of high school stopped you from developing into the bad ass motherfucker that you are? Hell no! And that night that you got hammered and did bush diving in front of all those attractive girls at the golf course, did that keep you from being the alpha sun of a gun that you currently are? Hell to the fuck no, BRO! So look at you, you made it this far, why on god’s green one are you going to stop now??

Get after it, you dirty little double dicking bastard, I believe in you! The world is your goddamn oyster, and if you don’t continue to push towards your ambitions now then you will find yourself in exactly the kind of hole that you are aspiring to get out of at this very moment. Grind some gears, stir up the pot, and get to doing what you have wanted to pursue but haven’t yet made the first moves towards accomplishing. Have at it!


Inspiration Before The Weekend- Write It And They Will Come

Here we are again, with another weekend about to start and for most of us a world of potential to explore! I finished Bruce Springsteen’s audiobook version of Born To Run and it was a magnificent adventure, I am concretely convinced that I need to get myself a motorcycle and a car and pack in as many road trips as I can manage. But for this weekend we need to make do with what we have, after a productive and successful week. Well mostly successful, let’s be honest, there could have been more that we could have done and more that we could have accomplished.

Let’s get real for a second, I mean, those silly pseudo bullshit quotes that your Facebook friends sometimes share which read; your future self will thank you for the work that you do today, aren’t entirely bullshit, are they? It is true, and I suppose we need to be reminded of it rather frequently, lest we forget. The same way that we sometimes need to confront the brutal reality that it isn’t that hard to wind up hopelessly lost, homeless, or without anything. However you still have your wits, your ambition, and your work ethic. Bro, keep on doing you, you’re going to get there! It’s still early days in the year, remember to take a breath, have a beer, and put your feet up for a second.

Let’s get after having some fun this weekend, we’ll grind again on Monday!


Inspiration Before The Weekend- Omerta

Aaayyee bitches, we’re back! Well, it’s almost a year, to the day, since we’ve last posted anything, and perhaps the internet was better off without us. So when I say that we’re back, I mean heavier, raunchier, louder, and more politically incorrect than ever! And I also mean that we’re going after this writing thing again in 2017, because 2016 was such an abortion of a year and we have a hell of a lot to catch up on.

So have you made any progress towards positively enforcing those New Year’s resolutions that you so whole heartedly swore you are going to tackle head on? For a day? For a week? You’re still going at it? Why on god’s green Earth not? No, busy isn’t that good of an excuse. You’re wasting your time reading this, right, so how busy are you really? You know, I fully agree that one needs a couple of minutes every day to just chill and breathe for a bit, however, have you added up all the time that you’ve wasted going on the exact same news website for the fifth time today? I really think you should tone that shit down, maybe only read the news three times tomorrow and with the extra time do a little towards those goals of yours. Send that email, make that phone call, request that information you need to do your thing, which you have reluctantly delayed because you were too “busy” making another cup of fucking coffee.

I always keep my New Year’s resolutions simple, though. There are some things that I intend to accomplish professionally which take president over other ambitions that I may have, but my general basket which holds my aspirations extends mostly towards spending more time with family and friends, getting out of the house, and doing rad shit. Hell, what’s the point of living if you’re not going to get out there and live a little! That entails more dinners, dates, adventures, fun, and to keep moving. Less saying no when people invite me to go out, motivating myself to go to that thing even though I would rather stay in bed and be lazy. Let’s be honest, and perhaps a little morbid for a second; none of us, our family, or our friends are going to be around forever, and I would rather have a massive treasure trove of amazing memories to choose from over the years than a handful of little smiles when the day comes that you need to remind yourself of the amazing person and life you had the pleasure of sharing with whomever is no longer here to share in your experiences.

So we’re making it happen, bro! This year we’re going hard, making our mark, getting after that shit, let’s make the world wonder where we find the time or energy to accomplish everything that we do. Let them envy us, let them admire us, and let us inspire them!




Inspiration Before The Weekend- Get On Your Way

Some days are better than others, mate. Some weeks also, way more enjoyable and less challenging than others. If this weekend is not up to your standard or expectation then make it so, there is nobody that can be held accountable for your perfect weekend or lack thereof than you! Live like someone left the gate open, never be the guy driving slightly less than the speed limit in the fast lane, and in the immortal words of Dr Seuss;

Kid, you’ll move mountains!

So…be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray or Mordecai Ale Van Allen O’Shae, you’re off to Great Places!

Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting.
So…get on your way!

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Inspiration before the weekend- mid September resolutions.

So this week has not been as productive as last week, relating to the reviews and so on, anyway. But a couple of other things happened for which I’m insanely excited! I won’t bore anyone or prove for once and for all how shallow I am by telling you what they are, what I will tell you, however, is that I made a mid September resolution to myself to at least go out every weekend and do something/visit some place/get to do something that I haven’t for a while for the remainder of the year. I suppose that doesn’t sound like a big deal, but even then, and I seriously need to add memories to what little there is left of this year.

Now, I’m not committing to anything that these okes are doing in the video below, mostly because I don’t have the coordination, talent, athleticism, or humongous balls that they have! But I am committed to sticking with my resolution for the rest of 2014, which is all going to eventually end in one massive event and then a holiday at the end of the year. Who knows, I might  even share some pictures along the line. Keep on keeping on!!

Though for the weekend;

Inspiration before the weekend- Celebrating an awesome 2014 thus far!!

This past week has been a roller coaster from start to finnish, as it’s not over yet, bro.

We had a pretty killer time discussing some of our favourite bands and music, planning shenanigans we’re getting up to later in the year, celebrating The Fappening and Jennifer Lawrence’s bitchin’ body, and somewhere along the line made time to post two reviews for Sex Tape, pretty productive. So here’s the next step, sharing some inspiration for the weekend!! Have a killer time, glam shit up and here’s a thought for the weekend;